Developmental Neurotoxicology Society

Developmental Neurotoxicology Teratology Society Conference/Travel Awards

2009 NBTS Conference Awards

Patricia Janulewicz (Nominated by J. Adams)

University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA
Attention and Working Memory in Children Exposed Prenatally to Anticonvulsant Monotherapy

Amanda A. Braun (Nominated by C. Vorhees)

Cincinnati Children’s Research Foundation, Cincinnati, OH
Functional alterations in the 5HT1A receptor following neonatal +/-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) exposure in rats

2009 SOT Neurotoxicology Specialty Section Conference Award

Damiyon Sledge (Nominated by E. Levin)

Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
A Zebrafish Model of the Persisting Neurobehavioral Impairment Caused by Developmental Chlorpyrifos

2008 Merck and Co., Inc. Conference Award

Devon Graham (Nominated by M. Williams)

Cincinnati Children’s Research Foundation, Cincinnati, OH
Differential Neurochemical Consequences of an Escalating Dose-Binge Regimen Followed by Single-Day Multiple-Dose Methamphetamine Challenges

2008 SOT Neurotoxicology Specialty Section Conference Award

Jeannette Stankowski (Nominated by G. Stanwood)

Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN
Selective Vulnerability of Dopaminergic Systems to Manganese: Relevant to Occupational Exposure

2008 Fine Scientific Tools Conference Award

Jillian Gee (Nominated by G. Moser)

Neurotoxicology Division, US EPA, RTP, NC and North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Acute Developmental Exposure to Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether 47 (PBDE 47) Alters Dopamine Concentration within the Brain of Male Mice

2008 NBTS Conference Award

Sherin Boctor (Nominated by S. Ferguson)

Department of Interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences, U Arkansas and NCTR/FDA, Little Rock, AR
Neonatal NDMA Receptor Antagonist Treatment Has No Effects on Prepulse Inhibition (PPI) in Postnatal Day (PND) 25 Sprague-Dawley Rats


Melissa M. Bailey (Nominated by J. Rasco)

Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
Prenatal and Lactational Exposure to Chromium Picolinate and Picolinic Acid – The Effects on the Neurological Development of Mice

Lauren C. Harte (Nominated by D. Dow-Edwards)

SUNY Downstate, Brooklyn, NY
Adolescent Tetrahydrocannabinol Improves Performance on Avoidance Tasks in Adult Females

Nathen J. Murawski (nominated by M. Stanton)

Department of Psychology, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Interstimulus Interval Discrimination Conditioning of the Eyeblink Reflex in a Rodent Model of Autism

Tori L. Schaefer (Nominated by C. Vorhees)

Cincinnati Children’s Research Foundation, Cincinnati, OH
Changes in Corticosterone and Monoamines Following Multiple Days of (+)-Methamphetamine or (±)-3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Exposure in the Neonatal Rat


Patricia Janulewicz (Nominated by J. Adams)

Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston, Genetics & Teratology, Mass General Hospital for Children, Boston, MA
Absence of Neuropsychological Effects Following Prenatal Exposure to Phenytoin (PHT)

Swatee Dey (Nominated by D. Snow)

Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Prenatal Cocaine Exposure Induces Apoptosis in Locus Coeruleus Neurons through TNF-α Mediated Induction of Bax and JNK-1-MAPK Pathways


Kimberly Berry (Nominated by S. Ferguson)

National Center for Toxicological Research, Jefferson, AR
Prenatal Folate Deficiency in Mice Increases Adult Anxiety Levels

Sylvia Fitting (Nominated by R. Booze)

Behavioral Neuroscience Program, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
Neonatal Hippocampal Tat Injections: Effects on Prepulse Inhibition (PPI)

Gene McFadden (Nominated by B. Pizzi)

Department of Psychology, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL
Multiple Toxic Effects of In Utero Exposure to DEHP

Joan Garey (Nominated by M. Paule)

Division of Neurotoxicology, National Center for Toxicological Research/FDA, Jefferson, AR
Effect of Low-Dose Acrylamide Exposure on Preweaning Behavior of Fisher 344 Rats